Anywhere but Westminster is a series of films and articles aimed at exploring the gap between mainstream politics and real life. Having just spent three weeks film-making and going quietly mad at the party conferences, we've been reminded again of why we conceived the series in the first place. In fact, the films that were made outside the conference bubbles in Birmingham, Wirral and the town of Ramsbottom were ABW pieces in all but name.
In early November we will return with the regular series, making two more films before Christmas. It seems to us that everyone we speak to right now wants to talk about their experience of the state of the economy, and a crisis that shows no signs of coming to an end – and with that in mind, we're asking Comment is free users for suggestions as to non-Westminster stories that highlight Britain's economic plight. Do you know of a place that is the downturn incarnate? Is there a particular business whose fate speaks volumes about the state we're in? Does your own experience point to an aspect of the flatlining economy that politicians don't talk about? Please keep the ideas as specific as possible – for the ABW films we always visit a single location to explore an issue or story. John Domokos and I will be back in the thread at regular intervals.